(屯門 / 天水圍 / 粉嶺) 全職/兼職清潔員
Employer Info
Job Info
工作地點: 天水圍 / 屯門 / 粉嶺
工作職責: 負責街市內的全面清潔、定期消毒及垃圾處理等
薪金:時薪 $60-65 , 月薪$14,000-16,000
工作時間: 07:00-17:00 / 08:00-13:00 / 08:00-18:00 / 17:00-22:00
其他: 每月7號出糧, 銀行轉帳
有意應徵者可WhatsApp 9625-2281 謝先生查詢
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.