網購包裝員(全職)/ 近葵興站/ 室內冷氣倉工作

Employer Info

Ocean Three Development Limited

Company User

We are a well-established retail and wholesale company offering the freshest oysters and other frozen seafood, and now have 8 retail stores in Hong Kong. To cope with our expansion, we are currentl...Know more

Job Info
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- 一般包裝工作, 以細件貨為主, 分類訂單, 按訂單執貨.
- 包裝入袋, 貼標籤, 及整理貨架
- 保持工作環境及設備清潔

- 勤奮, 負責, 有責任心
- 學歷不拘
- 無須工作經驗
- 須懂得讀寫中文及能操廣東話

- 09:00 – 18:00,每天工作8小時
- 每月例假6天,輪休 (銀行假期) 

- 新人獎金$5,000
- 銀行假期
- 10天年假
- 勤工津貼
- 加班津貼
- 酌情性花紅
- 生日假
- 婚假
- 產假
- 侍產假
- 恩恤假
- 員工折扣 

如有意應徵,可致電3421 0103, 或 請將CV履歷表電郵到 recruit@oceanthree.hk 或 WhatsApp 9854 9104 預約面試 

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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