
Employer Info

Belle Fashion Group

Company User

Belle Fashion Group is the largest footwear & apparel retailer in China.  In HK and Macau Region, a spectrum of brands including Staccato, Joy & Peace, Mirabell, Jipi Japa and Hush Puppies,...Know more

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· 負責店舖及寫字樓設備之檢查﹑安裝﹑維修及保養工作; 

· 持有有效電工A牌及平安咭; 

· 兩年或以上相關工作經驗; 

· 對工作有熱誠﹑主動; 

· 具責任感及誠實可靠 




申請者請電郵履歷表至 job@belle.com.hk 或傳真至 2734 0321 


查詢電話︰3929 0621 周小姐 


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