餐飲 - 兼職職位空缺

Employer Info


Company User

海洋公園致力成為一個提供平等就業機會和關懷社會的僱主,全情投入於培育及提供機會予殘疾人士和青少年,並協助他們畢業後在公園工作。  Know more

Job Info

Ocean Park Corporation is currently looking for talents to fill the following vacancies in our Food & Beverage team:

工作時間: 上午9時至晚上10時 (按輪值冊編配而定,每天約8-10小時)

Free Duty Meal 

• Waiter/Waitress 侍應 (時薪: HK$70-$75)
• Banquet & Fine Dining Server 餐飲及宴會服務員 (時薪: HK$85)
• Food Attendant 小食亭餐飲服務員 (時薪: HK$70-$80)
• Cook 廚師 (時薪: HK$70-$75)
• Cuisine Chef 主廚 (時薪: HK$120)
• Cleaner 清潔員 (洗碗) (時薪: HK$70-$75)

For application and enquiry 申請及查詢:

Career website 招聘網站: https://careers.oceanpark.com.hk/en/job-openings/job-search-result/?SUBDEPT3=62

WhatsApp: 5208 3805


Recruitment Day 招聘日:

Date 日期:Every Thursdays (Except Public Holidays) 逢星期四 (公衆假期除外)

Time 時間:10:00am – 12:00nn / 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Venue 地點:Human Resources Department of Ocean Park Hong Kong (Right Side of Main Entrance, adjacent to HSBC ATM) 香港海洋公園人力資源部 (正門右側–匯豐銀行自動櫃員機旁)

Applicants please bring the following documents 求職者請帶備以下文件:

  • Photo 相片
  • Hong Kong Identity Card香港身份證正本
  • Document of Identity for Visa (if applicable) 簽證身份書正本 (如適用)


Applicants not contacted within six weeks may consider their application unsuccessful. Personal data collected will be used for recruitment-related purpose only.

應徵者如在六星期內未獲邀請面試,將作落選論。所有收集資料只作招聘用途 。 

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

Click here to know more about employment traps

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