物業保安控制室主管 Property Security Control Room Supervisor (Airport Area)
Company User
港珠澳大橋香港口岸人工島自動化停車場是與香港機場管理局聯合營運,該項目是香港特區政府施政報告中提到的重點交通民生工程,屬於「粵車南下」計劃的首階段。停車場第一期預計於今年四月落成, 佔地約28,600平方米,將提供大約一千個車位,並全數採用AGV智能泊車技術。 自動化停車場投入使用後,通過港珠澳大橋駕車到港的旅客可使用自動化停車場泊車,隨後經中轉客運大樓直接前往閘口登機,無需入境香港,從而...Know more
管理停車場控制室的營運並管理團隊人員; 監控閉路電視錄像並報告任何異常事件; 協助處理緊急情況。
- 中五(香港中學會考)或中六(香港中學文憑)教育,具備至少5年相關工作經驗,其中至少2年擔任督導職務
- 良好指導技巧,具備良好英語、中文和普通話書寫/口語能力
- 良好客戶服務和溝通技巧
- 有效駕駛執照和良好駕駛記錄
- 具有機場營運經驗獲優先考慮
- 持有效保安人員許可証
- 有機場運營經驗者優先
- 執法相關經驗
該職位需輪更工作(24小時制) ,每天工作9.5小時,包括1小時用膳時間。每週工作6天 (輪休) 。
Job Duties
Manage the control room of the car park operations and supervise staff members; Monitor CCTV footage and report any abnormal occurrences; Assist Superior to handle emergency cases.
Job Requirements
- Form 5 (HKCEE) or Form 6 (HKDSE) education with minimum 5 years of relevant working experience in which at least 2 years in supervisory role
- Good supervisory technique with proficiency in written/spoken skill in English, Chinese and Putonghua
- Good customer service and communication skills
- Valid driving license with good driving record
- Possess a valid Security Personnel Permit issued under Security and Guarding Services Ordinance (Chapter 460, The Laws of Hong Kong)
- Experience in airport operations is preferred
- Relevant experience in law enforcement
This position requires shift work (24-hour shift), work 6 days a week (shift holiday), total 9.5 working hours per day, including a 1-hour meal break.
Interested parties please apply by clicking "QUICK APPLY" or email to vennyyam@pyengineering.com with a detailed CV stating your current & expected salary and date of availability.
Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with our personal data policy and for recruitment purposes only.
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.