[南區]兼職會所洗碗 (香港木球會)
Employer Info
The Hong Kong Cricket Club
Company User
The Hong Kong Cricket Club is situated in the heart of Hong Kong Island surrounded by the hills and greenery of Wong Nai Chung Gap. The Club is rich in history but has kept pace with the times. Mem...Know more
Job Info
招聘職位: 兼職會所洗碗
工作地點: 香港木球會(黃泥涌峽道137號)
- 🚌新巴6號或新巴66號 來回 赤柱至金鐘及中環
- 🚌新巴1M號 可直到 灣仔及會展站
- 🚌新巴41A號 來回 北角至海洋公園/華富
- 🚌新巴76號或小巴5號 來回海洋公園/黃竹坑/銅鑼灣
- 早上10時至晚上8時 (9小時工作+1小時用膳時間 )
- 工作時間固定
- 每週工作2-6天,包括星期六、日、公眾假期及假期前夕
職責: 有洗碗機輔助,機頭機尾,分類碗碟,有專人指導
- 時薪$77
- 每月銀行過數2次 (月中及月尾)
福利: 免費膳食
工作要求: 願意學習,有責任心,有相關工作經驗優先考慮,不計較
有意應徵者, 請whatsapp 聯絡鍾先生9493-2500
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.