Skilled freelancers: Web page design - Page 2
Professional skills
- Graphic design
- Interior design
- Web page design
- Website development
- Seo
- Mobile app development
- Wedding photography
- Wedding dress photography
- Product photography
- Family photography
- Bridal makeup
- Stage makeup
- Enovation
- Water electricity engineering
- English translation
- Japanese translation
- Korean translation
- Other translation
- Writing
- Others
Crazy Social 2020
16 year(s) experience
Talent on Copywriting, Design, Marketing and Social Media Crazy Social! 讓你以有限的成本預算,製作和目標顧客有共鳴的網上廣告,逾15年的線上和雜誌媒體經驗,善於發掘和帶動話題,圖文並茂且一語中的。如果你一直對廣告文宣苦無頭緒,尋尋覓覓感覺始終不如感覺,私信我吧,Crazy Social會是你的最佳拍檔。
1 year(s) experience
I'm a designer based in HongKong. Currently a freelancer. I focus on UI and Graphic design.
10 year(s) experience
Emily Leung ,從事平面及多媒體設計十年以上以客人為本,高效率高水準製作。 為客戶提供最優質最專業的設計服務,提升品牌形象,明白及配合客戶的設計要求。