Employer Info
Gemini Personnel Limited
Company User
Established in Hong Kong in 1983, Gemini Personnel is a leading provider of human capital solutions with offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Bangkok and Singapore. We work with our ...Know more
Job Info
- 具一年或以上銷售服務經驗
- 能操流利廣東話,基本英語及普通話
- 性格開朗,主動積極及有責任心
優厚薪酬及佣金 | 勤工獎 | 10天有薪年假 | 7天例假 | 專業在職培訓 | 良好晉升階梯 | 員工優惠| 中西醫及牙科福利 | 有薪婚假 | 交通津貼 | 工作八小時
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.