Web developer

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EF的全稱為“Education First”,屬於私人企業,於1965年由Bertil Hult及其家族成員在瑞典創立,備50多年環球教學經驗。EF於全球52個國家設有580間學校及辦事處,  並聘用專業外籍老師及員工逾46,500名,服務及學生覆蓋116國家,是全球最大的私人英文教育機構。我們的使命是「從教育中開啟世界之門」,50多年來致力透過語言培訓去打破語言、文化和地域上的障礙...Know more

Job Info
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 Key responsibilities: 

· Work closely with designers and marketers indriving business goals 

· Delivering high-quality front-end solutions,such as HTML Email, landing page, mini-site, and mini-game by using HTML, CSS,and JavaScript 

· Maintaining and improving existing works 


Job requirements: 

· Diploma or above in Computer Science or relateddisciplines 

· 1-2 years of experience in responsive webdevelopment preferred (fresh graduate will also be considered) 

· Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

· Experience in automating tools (e.g. Gulp),templating tools (e.g. Nunjucks), CSS preprocessors (e.g. SCSS), or versioncontrol system (e.g. GIT) is a plus 

· Experience in cross-browser compatibilitytesting 

· Knowledge of Social Media API, or the siteanalytics and tracking is a plus 

· Basic knowledge of SEO principles and strategies 

· Team player with strong analytical,problem-solving, and communication skills 



To apply for this position, please senda detailed resume in Word Format with expected salary and availability tohk.recruitment@ef.com 

All information received will be keptin strict confidence and for employment-related purposes only. 


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