
Employer Info

Synergy Financial Organization Limited

Company User

Synergy Financial Organization (SFO) is one of the most experienced, professional and largest agencies under Prudential Hong Kong Limited, it has established for over 30 years and now amassed with ...Know more

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  1. 擴大向不同公司銷售渠道及開拓新的潛在企業客戶
  2. 負責致電客戶推廣相關強積金及僱員福利產品和服務
  3. 管理現有客戶帳戶及更新資料庫


  1. 中五程度或以上
  2. 良好電腦操作 Ms. Office
  3. 需有相關工作經驗 (曾從事保險、零售行業者優先考慮)
  4. 自信、性格開朗、積極進取、熱誠有禮、以客為本
  5. 具良好電話溝通能力,能操控流利廣東話


  1. 彈性上班工作時間
  2. 在職專業培訓
  3. 良好發展及晉升機會
  4. 每小時$55至$60及無上限佣金

有意應徵者可電郵sfosynergy.hk@gmail.com,如有任何查詢,歡迎致電5496 0969 石小姐。 

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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