(全職) 鐵板燒大工 Teppanyaki Chef
Employer Info
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LUBUDS 於2006年在香港創立,我們總公司位於黃竹坑。集團旗下經營多個精緻品牌及不用菜系,旗艦品牌店包括天穴、穴、鮨千壽、囍越、Blooms、PANO、PALCO、FWD House 1881、紅棉、悅、川川 和 望月樓。我們在香港管理超過40 家分店,並預期有更多。 LUBUDS致力提供關愛和歡樂的工作環境。我們尊重及重視每一位員工,讓他們擁有工作滿意度之餘,同時享有工作及生活平衡...Know more
Job Info
職責 Responsibility
- 負責食物出品 Responsible for making the Teppanyaki
- 處理廚房日常工作 Ensure the smooth operations of kitchen
- 協助主管準備食材及食材處理 Assist the supervisor to prepare and handle the food material
要求 Requirements
- 最少4年相關經驗 At least 4 year related experience
- 有日式居酒屋經驗更佳 Experienced in Japanese restaurant is a plus
- 有Omakase(おまかせ)餐廳經驗更佳 Experienced in Japanese Omakase restaurant is a plus
地點 Location
- 中環 Central
其他福利 Other Benefits
- 勤工獎 Attendance Allowance
- 免費膳食 Duty Meal
- 每月小費 Tips
- 營業獎金 Target Bonus
- 酌情性年終花紅 Discretionary Bonus
- 婚假 Marriage Leave
- 生日假 Birthday Leave
- 良好晉升機會 Promotion Opportunity
- 每月例休5天 Rest Day
- 有薪年假10天起 Annual Leave
有意見工,請連同履歷表, 期望人工Whatsapp 9015 8600 黃生
Interested party please whatsapp 9015 8600 (Mr. Wong) together with your resume and expected salary.
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.