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Grandmama Cafe
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第一間山林道小店融合了零售和餐飲元素,造就了婆婆生活概念。初衷是建立一個鑒賞家品器具的空間,讓都市人的心,從繁忙的工作瑣事中,帶回到生活細節,重新感受質感選物美學。 Know more
Job Info
主要負責擺盤出菜準備食材, 烹煮食物, 清潔等基本廚房工作會接觸收銀程序協助店長日常收貨及補貨工作, 包括協助來貨點算, 貨品存貨管理具責任心, 對工作有熱誠
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.