業務拓展主任/經理 - 大灣區物業 Business Development Executive/Manager – GBA Property

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Century 21 Linkage Greater Bay Area Limited

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世紀21聯動於2017年成立,並創立「CAPS80聯盟計劃」,由二手市場至一手市場全方位支援,全力推行線上地產代理模式。為配合香港人在大灣區置業的大趨勢,我們「香港世紀21聯動-大灣區」開設了『大灣區展銷工作室』,務求令到香港人在一個熟悉的平台上,安心、方便、妥善地在大灣區完成置業夢想。 Know more


Tsim Sha Tsui
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職責 : 向香港客戶銷售各種大灣區物業 處理顧客查詢及跟進現有和潛在客戶保持良好關係 為客戶提供有關市場狀況,價格,按揭和相關事宜諮詢及處理銷售流程 協助安排講座,一對一會面及大灣區實地考察 

職位要求 : 中五或以上學歷  主動積極有幹勁,良好溝通及表達力 有銷售/物業相關工作經驗者優先 基本互聯網知識及電腦文書處理(如WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT) 

工作福利 :穩定底薪+津貼 ($8,000-$11,000) + 高佣金,視乎經驗而定 

Job Description : Promote full range of GBA properties to customers. Handle customer enquiries, follow up potential customers and maintain a good relationship with existing customers. Advice clients on market conditions, prices, mortgages, and coordinate property closings procedures Organize seminars, one-to-one appointment and site visit with clients 

Job Requirements : F.5 or above; Proactive and motivated with Good communication and presentation skills; Relevant work experience in sales/ property are preferred; Basic Internet knowledge and Microsoft office (such as WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT) 

Benefits : Basic salary + allowance ($8,000-$11,000) + commission;   

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