Operations Manager

Job Info
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Job Locations: Tsim Sha Tsui, Whampoa

Salary: $18-$20K


-Lead a team to manage the daily operations of gym centers

- Maintain safety and tidiness of all facilities

-Provide customer service and handle enquiries and feedbacks from members

- Liaise with internal and external parties


-Provide World Class customer service with good communication skills

- 3+ years related working experience

-Fluent in written English and Chinese, and spoken English and Cantonese

-Independent, reliable and responsible

-Shift duty and work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are required

Interested parties please e-mail your resume to enquiry@futurewellnesshk.com




- 負責日常店務運作包括顧客服務、店舖整潔、成本控制、人事管理及培訓

- 提供客戶服務及處理客人查詢

- 培訓及指導新入職員工



- 提供優質星級服務,良好溝通技巧及表達能力

- 3年或以上相關工作經驗

- 能操流利粵語及英語,書寫中英文

- 有責任感,主動及有解決問題的能力

- 有心肺復蘇,急救等相關証書優先

- 公眾假期需輪班工作




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