Product Engineer (Summer Internship)

Employer Info

GNS Technology Limited

Company User

GNS Technology Limited is an automation and digitalization focus development company based in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. We are a team of dedicated A.I. software engineers with a vision...Know more

Job Info
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Job Description / Duties

  • Conduct Product design (including casing design, wiring layout, material souring, system assemble)
  • Conduct prototyping in RCC workshop of HKSTP
  • Provide design documents, including technical drawing (2D/3D), BOM, system specification and operation flow
  • Provide onsite support of system implementation and trail run
  • Start from June 2021 

Required Skill / Experience

- 2D and 3D engineering drawing skill is required.

- Workshop experience is preferred.

Application method:

Email to with CV and Portfolio (if any) 

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