Job Feature: Internship
Job Types
Job Functions
- Accounting / Auditing
- Administrative
- Banking / Finance
- Construct / Engineering
- Design
- Education
- Health / Beauty
- Hotel / Catering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Logistics / Transportation
- Production
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Media / Advertisement
- Medical
- Procurement
- Professional Service
- Property Management
- Retail
- Sales / Customer Service
- Laboratory / Research
- Tourism / Sightseeing
- Other
Job Locations
Job Features
- Five day work week
- Working remotely
- Flexible working time
- Custom working time
- Shift work
- Night shift
- Public holidays
- Sunday official holiday
- Medical benefits
- Dentist benefits
- Overtime compensation
- Compensatory time
- Transportation allowance
- Zero overtime culture
- Work life balance culture
- Labour holiday
- Staff discount
- Staff free meal
- Commission system
- Performance bonus
- Work hard award
- Bonus
- Guaranteed double pay
- Contract gratuity
- Provide in service training
- No clothing requirements
- Uniformed
- Study funding
- Shuttle bus
- Daily pay
- Welcoming people with disabilities
Payment Methods
Wealth Management Trainee Program – Hong Kong 財富管理實習生計劃 – 香港
ONE is a group of experts who specialize in wealth management and global top fund investment trust service and retirement planning, etc. We provide seamless wealth management services to clients. ONE是一群專注於財富管理和全球頂級基金投資信託服務和退休規劃等方面的專家,我們為客戶提供無縫的財富管理服務。
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $50000
Financial Planning Assistant
Financial Planner
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $6000 - $20000
Company User : Bennyclh
資料輸入員 (遠程工作, WRH) (靈活工作時間)
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $50
Company User : Classy Wheeler ICT Limited
Part time Graphic / Motion Graphic / Multimedia Designer
Currently we are looking for a Graphic Designer to join our growing creative team, where the ideal candidate will be responsible to craft creative and interactive graphic for our client’s across traditional media and digital media.
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $60 - $120
金融實習生 Financial Internship (15-35k)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $10000 - $35000
Company User : AH&C Co.
申請職位: 兼職倉務員 -日韓文具歐美國際電商香港總部 (歡迎學生兼職), warehouse associate
一般倉務工作,包括整理文具,點貨及排貨上架, 包裝小包裹
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $70
Company User : QBear Limited
- Repetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsLogistics / TransportationSham Shui PoFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureStaff discountOvertime compensationCompensatory timeNo clothing requirementsShift workNot specifiedHourly PayHKDBank Transfer
與區內業主建立關係 協助放賣或放租單位 再透過鋪面 利嘉閣網上的平台 建立客戶群 與客人會面 視察物業 從而了解客戶的需要 進行物業配對 促成交易
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $12000 - $18000
Company User : 利嘉閣地產有限公司
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $11500 - $26000
Company User : 藍圖管理顧問有限公司
- Short Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipFull Time JobsOtherKwun TongWong Tai SinTuen MunKwai TsingTsuen WanCentral and Western DistrictWan ChaiEasternSouthernYau Tsim MongSham Shui PoKowloon CityYuen LongNorth DistrictTai PoSha TinSai KungOther OverseaFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureLabour holiday Performance bonusProvide in service trainingWork hard awardTransportation allowanceForm five or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $11500 - $26000
Company User : 藍圖管理顧問有限公司
- Short Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipFull Time JobsOtherKwun TongWong Tai SinTuen MunKwai TsingTsuen WanIslandsCentral and Western DistrictWan ChaiEasternSouthernYau Tsim MongSham Shui PoKowloon CityYuen LongNorth DistrictTai PoSha TinSai KungOther OverseaFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureLabour holiday Performance bonusProvide in service trainingWork hard awardTransportation allowanceForm five or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
(只接受在港修讀MASTER研究生申請)短期管理實習生 Management Trainee (Finance)
Kelvin Zin International Group @ Manulife 一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的90後00後團隊。 快來加入我們吧!
Pay by Project(HKD) : $0
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
銷售經理(投資) Sales Manager 30K or above ( Investment )
Kelvin Zin International Group @ Manulife 一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的90後00後團隊。
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $30000 - $70000
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsTemporary JobsBanking / FinanceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureStaff discountCommission systemPerformance bonusGuaranteed double payProvide in service trainingShuttle busWork hard awardBonusDentist benefitsNot specifiedMonthly PayHKDBank TransferCheque
財富管理主任 Wealth Management Planner (全職兼職均可) up to 50,000
一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的團隊。 快來加入我們吧!
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $20000 - $50000
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsTemporary JobsSales / Customer ServiceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureStaff discountCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingShuttle busBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank TransferCheque
Management Trainee 管理培訓生 (全職兼職都可) up to $50,000
一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的團隊。 快來加入我們吧!
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $50000
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsSales / Customer ServiceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureStaff discountCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingShuttle busBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank TransferChequeCash
理財策劃顧問 Financial Consultant (全職兼職均可) up to $50,000
一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的團隊。 快來加入我們吧!
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $25000 - $50000
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureStaff discountCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingShuttle busWork hard awardBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank TransferChequeCash
強積金顧問 MPF Consultant (全職兼職都可) up to $50,000
一個與眾不同的充滿活力,搵到錢,快樂指數高的團隊。 快來加入我們吧!
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $25000 - $50000
Company User : Kelvin Zin International
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsSales / Customer ServiceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayMedical benefitsZero overtime cultureWork life balance cultureLabour holiday Staff discountCommission systemPerformance bonusGuaranteed double payProvide in service trainingShuttle busWork hard awardBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank TransferChequeCash
見習組長代表國際性環保組織 或 國際人道救援機構 每日在不同地區[户外](例如:地鐵或商場口) 帶領團隊推廣組織理念及工作成果 此外代表組織推廣及登記每月捐助計劃支持者 以建立穩建及持續的工作。
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $12500 - $18500
Company User : Top Growth & Partners Ltd (TGP)
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsTemporary JobsSales / Customer ServiceChange by needFive day work weekPublic holidaysMedical benefitsWork life balance culturePerformance bonusWork hard awardBonusUniformedStudy fundingCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
Daily Pay(HKD) : $500 - $700
Company User : OK
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsTemporary JobsVolunteerLogistics / TransportationTuen MunKwai TsingTsuen WanYuen LongHome OfficeWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysSunday official holidayZero overtime cultureWork hard awardCompensatory timeShift workNight shiftDaily payNot specifiedDaily PayHKDBank TransferChequeCashOther Payment Method
強積金顧問 MPF Consultant
TFL Wealth Group @ Manulife 年輕有活力嘅專業理財顧問團隊,愉快工作同時愉快搵錢,歡迎加入
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $20000 - $50000
Company User : TFL WEALTH
興趣為主內容( 基礎的教學內容), 維持課堂秩序,準時上課準時下課
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $150 - $300
- Freelance JobsRepetitive Freelance JobsShort Term Contract JobsLong Term Contract JobsInternshipPart-Time JobsTemporary JobsVolunteerEducationTuen MunFlexible working timeCustom working timeZero overtime cultureWork life balance culturePerformance bonusProvide in service trainingOvertime compensationCompensatory timeNo clothing requirementsWelcoming people with disabilitiesNot specifiedHourly PayHKDBank Transfer