Job Feature: Performance bonus
Job Types
Job Functions
- Accounting / Auditing
- Administrative
- Banking / Finance
- Construct / Engineering
- Design
- Education
- Health / Beauty
- Hotel / Catering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Logistics / Transportation
- Production
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Media / Advertisement
- Medical
- Procurement
- Professional Service
- Property Management
- Retail
- Sales / Customer Service
- Laboratory / Research
- Tourism / Sightseeing
- Other
Job Locations
Job Features
- Five day work week
- Working remotely
- Flexible working time
- Custom working time
- Shift work
- Night shift
- Public holidays
- Sunday official holiday
- Medical benefits
- Dentist benefits
- Overtime compensation
- Compensatory time
- Transportation allowance
- Zero overtime culture
- Work life balance culture
- Labour holiday
- Staff discount
- Staff free meal
- Commission system
- Performance bonus
- Work hard award
- Bonus
- Guaranteed double pay
- Contract gratuity
- Provide in service training
- No clothing requirements
- Uniformed
- Study funding
- Shuttle bus
- Daily pay
- Welcoming people with disabilities
Payment Methods
System Testing Engineer (Welcome fresh grad)
Join our dynamic EV charging solutions team and drive the future of sustainable transport. We are looking for a number of ambitious, professional and dynamic team members to expand our market share in the fast-growing EV infrastructure sector.
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $20000
Company User : Halo Energy Limited
Business Development Executive (EV Charging Solutions)
Drive the future of sustainable transportation by joining our dynamic EV charging solutions team. We seek an ambitious sales professional to expand our market presence in the rapidly growing EV infrastructure sector.
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $25000 - $28000
Company User : Halo Energy Limited
辦公室接待員 Receptionist
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $14000 - $15500
Company User : Star Industrial Co Ltd
中港兩地理財策劃顧問, 為中港兩地客戶提供專業的保險理財,資產和財富管理、投資及退休、風險管理方案等
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $40000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
- Repetitive Freelance JobsPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongHome OfficeWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingNo clothing requirementsBonusFive day work weekCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
全職售貨員 Full Time Sales (港九新界)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $20000
Company User : Skechers HK Ltd
- Full Time JobsLong Term Contract JobsRetailKwun TongKowloon CitySouthernYau Tsim MongChange by needCentral and Western DistrictWan ChaiEasternSham Shui PoWong Tai SinKwai TsingTsuen WanTuen MunYuen LongNorth DistrictTai PoSha TinSai KungMedical benefitsCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingBonusLabour holiday Staff discountWork hard awardShift workDentist benefitsOvertime compensationCompensatory timeUniformedTransportation allowanceGuaranteed double payForm five or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
前台 / 接待員 / (荃灣/銅鑼灣)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $20000
Company User : Ngan Yuet Health & Beauty Limited
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $25000
Company User : Fit Boxx Trading Co Ltd.
出納員 Cashier
-負責協助分行出納、應收賬目會計及一般行政工作 -中五程度,沒有相關工作經驗亦可 -銷售獎勵如佣金/不規獎金及良好晉升機會
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $11000 - $14000
Company User : Luk Fook Holdings Company Limited
- Full Time JobsLong Term Contract JobsAccounting / AuditingSouthernYau Tsim MongIslandsChange by needMedical benefitsCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingBonusStaff discountStudy fundingWork hard awardShift workDentist benefitsOvertime compensationCompensatory timeUniformedForm five or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
荃灣大型屋苑助理保安經理 - 10小時 固定更
職責: 負責屋苑內保安工作,執行督導、管理及支援前線保安員執行日常職務
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $27000 - $28000
Company User : Certis世紀服務有限公司
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $17000 - $17200
Company User : Certis世紀服務有限公司
清晰了解客戶的財務狀況,為客戶提供專業的財務策劃服務及提供專業理財分析服務、保險計劃, 強積金整理及諮詢服務等 (職務或涉及金融/保險及強積金業務)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $30000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
為客戶提供全面財務策劃服務, 包括投資儲蓄, 退休策劃, 人壽保險, 疾病意外, 醫療住院, 強積金等, 團體保障, 年金及退休方案予個人或公司客戶
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $40000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
Sales Representative (FMCG, Beauty)
營業代表 (FMCG, 美容產品)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $25000
Company User : DKSH Hong Kong Limited
診所助護 / 初級助護 (中環)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $25000
Company User : Ngan Yuet Health & Beauty Limited
全職盤點組長 (無須銷售,無須經驗,在職培訓)
- 通常以團隊(4-5人)形式工作,內容包括使用條碼掃描器進行庫存盤點、分配工作、確認數據及進度等 - 無須相關專業經驗,因為公司有完善的在職培訓體系,通過培訓可輕鬆勝任工作且有更多晉升空間
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15600 - $17000
Therapist 治療師
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $20000 - $30000
Company User : House of beauty limited
- Full Time JobsHealth / BeautyWan ChaiPublic holidaysMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingLabour holiday Staff discountWork hard awardShift workDentist benefitsOvertime compensationCompensatory timeUniformedSunday official holidayForm five or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
中港兩地保險營業 / 財富管理顧問
為客戶提供全面財務策劃服務, 包括投資儲蓄, 退休策劃, 人壽保險, 疾病意外, 醫療住院, 強積金等, 團體保障, 年金及退休方案予個人或公司客戶
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $40000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
- Repetitive Freelance JobsPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timePublic holidaysMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingNo clothing requirementsBonusForm six or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer