Job Feature: Logistics / Transportation
Job Types
Job Functions
- Accounting / Auditing
- Administrative
- Banking / Finance
- Construct / Engineering
- Design
- Education
- Health / Beauty
- Hotel / Catering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Logistics / Transportation
- Production
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Media / Advertisement
- Medical
- Procurement
- Professional Service
- Property Management
- Retail
- Sales / Customer Service
- Laboratory / Research
- Tourism / Sightseeing
- Other
Job Locations
Job Features
- Five day work week
- Working remotely
- Flexible working time
- Custom working time
- Shift work
- Night shift
- Public holidays
- Sunday official holiday
- Medical benefits
- Dentist benefits
- Overtime compensation
- Compensatory time
- Transportation allowance
- Zero overtime culture
- Work life balance culture
- Labour holiday
- Staff discount
- Staff free meal
- Commission system
- Performance bonus
- Work hard award
- Bonus
- Guaranteed double pay
- Contract gratuity
- Provide in service training
- No clothing requirements
- Uniformed
- Study funding
- Shuttle bus
- Daily pay
- Welcoming people with disabilities
Payment Methods
大車司機 (夜班)
負責駕駛 16噸貨車運送航空集裝箱/板往返貨倉及指定地區
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $26000 - $28000
Company User : Unilode Aviation Solutions (HK) Ltd
General driving responsibilities requiring a 1, 2 Driving License (Stable working hours with no overtime).
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $18000
Company User : Carro (Formerly Beyond Cars)
私人司機, 中半山取車交車, 底薪$26-27K, 連津貼及加班可達$30K 以上, 6 天工作, 醫療福利, 年尾花紅
私人司機, 中半山取車交車
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $27000 - $32000
Company User : Headsearch21 Consultancy Limited
日班貨車司機 (新人獎$5,000及交通津貼$500)
負責貨物運送及廠務, 於大埔工業邨取車
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $20000
Company User : 泰業印刷有限公司
負責駕駛公司車輛, 每日到指定地方收發餐品及設備; 負責提供一般貨品配送及搬運; 保持車輛清潔(實際取車地點於僱員受聘後由公司安排)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $21000
Company User : Pro Global Limited
葵涌4號碼頭 通宵更物流倉務員19:00-06:00(即日出糧)
負責處理一般倉務工作包括收貨, 搬貨,執貨, 整理貨倉等工作, 需體力勞動
Daily Pay(HKD) : $720 - $750
Company User : 海成人力資源有限公司
(葵涌) 兼職通宵倉務員/ 兼職日班倉務員 (07:45-17:15/21:30-07:00)
負責處理一般倉務工作包括收貨, 搬貨,執貨, 整理貨倉等工作
Daily Pay(HKD) : $570 - $700
Company User : 海成人力資源有限公司
職責範圍: * 負責接載僱主、家庭成員及傭人 * 負責僱主車輛保養、以確保車輛狀況良好。 * 保持車輛內、外之整潔。 * 跑馬地開工
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $21500
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $17000
Company User : Hong Kong Airport Services Limited