Internship Programme for Fresh Graduate

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TY Professional Consultancy

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If you are looking for a job which is: -meaningful  -pleasure -potential -flexible working hours -high salary and bonus -No appraisal -No flatter, No apple-polish -Training Support for your job We...Know more

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We are seeking fresh graduates, who are finding a job can fulfill their expectation. 

We are insurance consultance company. We are providing a internship programme, for fresh graduates learning interview technique, finance concept and experts sharing their working experience. 

If you are finding a flexible job that can let you learn more and boarden your sight, we are waiting for you.

Internship training programme:

Length: 5 days

A bonus for starter of future business $3000 is included.

Also graduates can join us after the internship programme.

Intereview is necessary.

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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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