Scratch Game Designer / Tutor (STEM) (Part Time)
A lot of people misunderstand Scratch. You know Scratch is not about coding. It is a place for creativity, a place that you can visualize your ideas and share with others.
You have a huge passion for creating games in scratch. You know how to create incredible games in Scratch and you want to share your skills with as many kids as possible.
Job description
- Inspire and teach kids how to design great Scratch games
- Design and create materials, curriculum and videos for teaching
- Communicate with parents for kids’ progress
- Teach Scratch STEM courses (level from trial class to advancer class)
- A portfolio of great scratch games you have created
- Familiar with Scratch
- Love teaching
- Patient
- Creative
- Great communication skills
- A friendly and outgoing personality
- Always looking for better way to teach
- STEM teaching experience is a must
- Available to teach from 1-6pm on weekday or 10am-6pm on weekend
Send us your CV with a list of URL pointing to the scratch games you have built.
We will not consider your application if you do not include links to your scratch project.
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.