知名運動品牌Contract Roadshow Helper (可續約)

Employer Info

Motiva Consulting Limited

Company User

Motiva Consulting Limited aims to be the market leader in a range of HR solutions and recruitment services that cover a broad spectrum of industries and job functions. We are looking for highly cal...Know more

Job Info
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Contract時間: 18 July - 30 Sept
工作時間: 星期一至四10:00-18:00 (不計飯鐘) *要番足一至四
地點: 觀塘
工資: $60/hr

職責: 宣傳助理, 會協助管理website,有機會使用基本photoshop, excel, PPT 和 Reception


如有興趣,請發送CV加相片到 52490540 Jovi Chau 

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