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[Company Background]  SOCIF is a technology company based at HKSTP, specialized in providing Smart Mobility AIoT solutions. Our focused technology areas include location-based GIS, AI video analyt...Know more

Job Info
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Key responsibilities:

  • Provide technical support to end users and sub-contractors with technician team
  • Provide onsite services including software and hardware installation and maintenance and on-site inspection
  • Provide repair services, follow up and testing the products
  • Assist in hardware setup with R&D team
  • **Training will be provided by our technician team


Job Requirements:

  • Experience in hardware on-site installation, coordination and T&C skills would be an advantage
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Experience & interest in hardware would be a bonus
  • Having driving license would be a bonus

Interested parties please send your CV and cover letter to

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