
Employer Info

Health Care & Co.

Company User

Health Care & Co. We are a medical supply company established in Hong Kong since 1979. Over these years, we have successfully gained our reputation by introducing new medical supplies and equip...Know more

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1. 負責完成日常工作(例如報價、開票、數據錄入等) 

2. 跟進客戶的詢問和投訴 

3. 如有必要,協助並負責其他臨時問題。 


1. 良好的電話禮儀。 

2. 獨立、有條理、良好的人際交往能力。 

3. 注重細節,負責,學習速度快,具有良好的團隊合作精神。 

4. 能夠在壓力下工作 

5. 良好的英文、中文和普通話口語和寫作能力。 

6. 精通MS Office、中文文字處理。  


銀行假, 年假10-15日, 醫療保險 ,牙醫或中醫保險, 婚假, 恩恤假, 員工購物優惠, 進修津貼等

有興趣請致電人事部 21109847或電郵履歷表到hradmin@healthcarehk.com   

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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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