全職/兼職 舞蹈室行政助理 Full time/Part time administrator / receptionist

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我們正在邀 請全職/兼職 舞蹈室行政助理加入我們 團隊

負責協助舞蹈室日常運營和管理。工作內容包括接待客戶、管理預約、協調課程表和安排課程表、管理賬戶和支付、維護設備等。我們希望聘請一位 穩定、熱情、有組織能力、 主動、 富責任心的成員。


  • 熟練運用辦公軟件和熟悉社交媒體
  • 有優秀的組織能力和時間管理能力A
  • 具有良好的溝通和客戶服務技巧
  • 對舞蹈和文藝有興趣和了解
  • 可以在晚間和周末工作
  • 英文和普通話能力優秀


工作地點: 港島東區

We are inviting full-time / part-time administrative assistants to join our dance studio team. The role involves assisting with the daily operations and management of the dance studio, including reception duties, managing bookings, coordinating and scheduling classes, managing accounts and payments, and maintaining equipment. We are looking for a stable, enthusiastic, organized, proactive, and responsible team member.


  • Proficient in office software and familiar with social media
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills
  • Strong communication and customer service skills
  • Interest and understanding in dance and the arts
  • Able to work in the evenings and on weekends
  • Excellent English and Mandarin language skills

If you are interested in this position and meet the requirements, please send your resume and cover letter to our email (hr.lesdanseurs@gmail.com). We look forward to your joining us!

Location: Eastern District of Hong Kong Island.

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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