全職倉務員Warehouse Assistant ( 每年獎賞性花紅,每月勤工獎金)

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Buyandship stands out as the leading cross-border e-commerce company, revolutionizing how people shop online. Having successfully shipped over 12 million packages since we started in 2014, Buyandsh...Know more

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地點:葵芳 (地鐵站附近),預計9月左右將會搬到大圍,貨倉環境整潔及有冷氣

• 超時工作津貼、勤工獎金,年終獎賞性花紅予表現卓越者
• 通過試用期後再按表現進行薪金調整
• 醫療津貼及有薪病假
• 生日假、婚假、恩恤假
• 員工折扣

• 懂讀寫中文及略懂讀寫英文
• 誠實、勤奮、有責任感
• 注重工作細節及準確性
• 須體力勞動
• 可即時上班優先考慮

如果你對倉務部空缺有興趣,請提供姓名、申請職位、工作經驗、預計可上班日期及聯絡電話,Whatsapp至6767 4786 (https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85267674786)


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