Senior Electric Motorcycle Mechanic [Job Vacancy Number: 35310]

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Electric Mobility

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We are an automotive start-up company that was founded in Hong Kong in 2018 and officially opened its doors in November 2019. During that period, Hong Kong was going through social unrest immediate...Know more

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Senior Electric Motorcycle Mechanic [Job Vacancy Number: 35310]

Location: Ho Man Tin, Kowloon 

Working Hours: 9:00 - 18:00, 8-hour work, 6 days per week 

Entry Requirements: Secondary 3, 3 years experience 

Salary Offered: $19,950 


Detailed job description:

The Senior Electric Motorcycle Mechanic duties, including
repairing vehicles; responsible for periodical vehicle maintenance check-up;
diagnosing technical problems of vehicles; handling customers' enquiries and
providing technical support; assisting in daily workshop operation; carrying
out routine inspection; maintaining, repairing and overhauling vehicles; performing relevant tests;
allocating manpower and training staff. 


Contact Means: 

Recruitment is conducted through Labour Department. Please call 3467 - 8135 for enquiry or interview arrangement.  

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