【太子珠寶鐘錶集團】咖啡室侍應生 Server
Employer Info
Prince Jewellery and Watch Company Limited
Company User
Prince Jewellery & Watch Company Limited was set up in 1984. Due to the rapid expansion, nowadays there are 16 shops located at hot tourists’ shopping areas. Prince is well known for carrying a...Know more
Job Info
Job Highlights
- 每月月薪達$17,000或以上
- 固定工作時間10:30am –
7:30pm (無落場) - 12天有薪年假起
- 負責一般樓面工作,包括落單及簡單清潔
- 負責準備及翻熱食品
- 沖調飲品
- 維持咖啡室內環境衛生清潔整齊
- 支援公司活動/宴會
- 咖啡室內場地管理
- 中五畢業
- 1-2年相關工作經驗
- 良好廣東話、英語及普通話
- 每天工作10:30am - 7:30pm
(無落場) - 尖沙咀上班
- 每月6天例假, 勞工假
- 12天有薪年假起, 婚假, 生日假, 關愛幸福假
- 有薪病假
- 員工購物優惠
- 員工活動及旅行
- 膳食津貼, 勤工獎, 額外獎金
- 年終花紅及獎金
- 中西門診/牙科/身體檢查
有意者可whatsapp 9181- 1967安排約見
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.