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香港东旺智能有限公司专注于系统集成及IT服务管理,以云计算、大数据、SDN引领创新,通过基础网络、信息安全、协作通信等领域的专业技术,结合卓越的IT综合服务能力,为客户提供定制化的新IT解决方案与全生命周期的新IT服务,秉承以协助客户达到目标的宗旨,在金融、大企业、互联网、教育医疗、政府、商贸连锁等多个行业拥有广泛的客户基础并累积了丰富专业的整体解决方案和服务经验。同时我们与全球领先IT厂...Know more
Key Responsibilities:职位描述
1.Respond to daily IT support requests and provide timely solutions.
P2.erform troubleshooting and diagnostics on hardware and software issues.
3.Assist in the setup and configuration of new devices and software applications.
1.2Years of experience
2.Proven experience in IT support or a similar role.
3.Experience in supporting and managing Office 365 environments.
4.Strong knowledge of Windows and Mac operating systems.
5.Familiarity with networking concepts
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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.