Software Engineer
Bone's Technology Ltd
Company User
Bone's Technology is an innovative start-up company that invested by the Hong Kong X, an investment platform for technology startups. Located in the Hong Kong Science Park, our company focus on res...Know more
Salary / 薪金:
·Bachelor or above / 學士或以上 HK $ 19,000 - 25,000 / Month (月)
·PhD / 博士HK $ 32,000及以上/ Month (月)(面議)
Job description / 職位描述:
·Medical Software development / 研發交互式智能醫療軟件;
·Software system design, development and testing / 軟件設計及系統測試;
·Sever development and maintenance / 服務器後端架構開發維護;
·GUI design and application / 圖像處理及圖形學算法設計開發。
Education Requirements / 學歷要求:
·Local University graduated (Degree or above) / 香港本地大學畢業(本科或以上);
·CS or EEE degree related / 計算機及電子信息工程專業背景者優先。
Other requirements / 技術要求:
·Relative experience in software development / 具相關軟件開發經驗;
·Proficiency in Puthon, Java / 熟用Python,Java等編程語言;
·Self motivated and strong editing skill / 需獨立處理部分模塊編輯;
·Strong analytical skill, fast learning ability and able to work independently / 具優越分析能力及學習能力。
Work location / 工作地點:
Unit 601, Core Building 1(1E), Hong Kong Science Park
Contact detail / 聯絡方法:
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.