活動助理 Event Helper (荃灣 / 沙田 / 上水 / 屯門 / 元朗區)
Employer Info
Galaxy (Asia) Limited
Company User
Galaxy is integrated marketing and design house, with over 10 years of experience in tailor-made marketing & design service. We differentiate ourselves by offering mix of Website Design, Visu...Know more
Job Info
職責:在荃灣 / 沙田 / 上水 / 屯門 / 元朗區室內工作,登記活動推廣工作。
時間:早上九時至下午六時 (1小時午膳包薪)
地點:荃灣 / 沙田 / 上水 / 屯門 / 元朗區
申請:年齢不限, 歡迎居住荃灣 / 沙田 / 上水 / 屯門 / 元朗區人士申請, 在有興趣者請將履歷表電郵給我們
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.