Shop Sales 店舖售貨員

Employer Info

D & P Education Kingdom Limited

Company User

本公司為新世界(K11)旗下附屬公司與DR-Max合資成立一所全新獨立機構, 公司創辦人多年來一直熱衷於教育事業並致力於幼兒教育。為配合業務拓展, 本公司現誠邀有志投入幼兒教育的你加入本教育集團成為我們銷售經理, 並帶領團隊為香港幼兒教育作出貢獻及與公司攜手創出輝煌的業績。 Know more

Job Info
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 D& P Education Kingdom Limited  

D & P Education Kingdom Limited為新世界(K11)旗下附屬公司與DR-Max及另一上巿公司合資成立的公司,本公司乃為「D Mind& the Prince」幼兒英語的銷售公司。公司創辦人多年來一直熱衷於教育事業並致力於幼兒教育。為配合業務拓展,本公司現誠邀有志投入幼兒教育的你加入。 

Position: Shop Sales 店舖售貨員  




l To assist in the promotion of products and providecustomers with product information 

l Manage daily store operations including inventorymanagement, shop opening and closing 

l Provide quality services to customers 

l Achieve sales targets viaprofessional selling approaches 

l Monitor performance of retail shops to maximizesales 

l Keep efficient communication between retail shopsand internal departments 

l Assist in any ad-hoc duties as assigned 

l 5-day work per week(Including workin weekend and public holidays and rest in weekdays) 

l Monthly Basic Salary HK$13,000 pluscommission 

l WorkingLocation: Tsim Sha Tsui / Tsuen Wan 




l F.6 graduate or above 

l At least 1 years' sales experiences is required 

l Outgoing, well-disciplined, confident, with goodcommunication skill  

l Good command of MS word and Excel 

l Good command of English and Chinese 


We offer attractive remuneration package(including 5-day work, 12-20 days annual leave, bank holiday, marriage leave,birthday red packet, attendance award, health award, staff purchase discountetc.) to the right candidate. 

Interested parties can apply with your fullresume in MS Word/PDF format with CURRENT salary, EXPECTED salary andthe date of availability (applications without such information will not beconsidered) via email or whatsapp 6201 0502. Please also quote the jobtitle you are applying on your application.  

Informationprovided will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purposesonly.  

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