Health Care Assistant 健康服務助理 (Ward病房, OT手術室, 24小時診所, SOPD專科門診, Endo內視鏡, Eye眼科, URO泌尿外科, Cardiac心臟科)
CUHK Medical Centre 香港中文大學醫院
Company User
香港中文大學醫院(中大醫院)是一所非牟利、私營教學醫院,由香港中文大學全資擁有。中大醫院本著平衡香港私營及公營醫療體系差異的社會責任,以為病人提供優質、可負擔及具透明度的醫療服務為己任。貫徹醫院非牟利的宗旨,我們將所有盈餘投放於醫院及香港中文大學醫學院,以支持醫院的長遠發展及醫學院的科研和教學工作。 Know more
Key Responsibilities
- Perform direct personal care for to maintain the well-being of patients, e.g. bathing, toileting, feeding, turning in bed, etc.
- Measure patients' vital signs, body weight and height, record intake and output; record and report to nurses
- Prepare, clean, sterilise and conduct routine quality check of equipment, such as infusion pump and drug trolley, etc.
- Conduct stock-taking and ensure adequate and appropriate supply of materials for service provision
- Provide clerical support, including appointment booking, reception services, data entry, filing, and answering clients’ enquiries, etc.
- Night shift duties required
- Perform any other duties assigned by supervisor(s)
- 執行病人護理工作,如梳洗、協助如廁、餵飼病人、轉換病人的體位等
- 量度病人的生命表徵、體重、身高及記錄出入量並向護士報告
- 負責準備、清潔、消毒及定期檢查儀器,如輸液泵及派藥車等
- 進行盤點及確保足夠及適當的物資存量
- 協助文書工作,如預約、接待服務、資料輸入、存檔及處理查詢等
- 需24小時輪班
- 執行上司指派的其他工作
Job Requirements
- Form 5 or above
- Completion of Health Care Assistant Training
- At least 1 year of relevant working experience
- Good communication and customer service skills
- Computer literate
- 中五或以上
- 完成健康服務助理訓練課程
- 至少一年相關工作經驗
- 具有良好溝通技巧
- 基本電腦應用
Compensation and Employment Terms
We provide a unique employment experience for people seeking careers in hospital and healthcare industry; and offer competitive remuneration packages to the successful candidates. Appointment will be made on a 3-year contract with contract-end gratuity, renewable subject to good performance and mutual agreement.
Interested parties please click 'Apply Online' to submit application, or send a full resume and expected salary to Human Resources Department via email at
申請人請按 'Apply Online' 遞交申請,或將個人履歷及期望薪酬電郵至 。
Application Closing Date
28 February 2021
Personal Information Collection Statement
Data collected will only be used for job application processing. Applicants not contacted by CUHK Medical Centre Limited within eight weeks from the application closing date may assume their applications unsuccessful. All personal data collected will be kept for a period of 12 months from the application closing date, and will be destroyed thereafter.
個人資料收集聲明 申請人所提供的個人資料,僅作處理其職位申請之用。如申請人在截止申請日期以後8個星期仍未收到本公司的通知,申請人則可視作未獲甄選。申請人的個人資料將於該職位的截止申請日期起被保留12個月,然後銷毀。
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.