Marketing manager

Employer Info

Global Immigrate Limited

Company User

環傲移民是首間具有科創背景的移民顧民公司,並致力專注為客戶處理加拿大創業簽證移民,我們透過自身經驗和背景,結合多方面的移民企劃,為顧客提供一站式的移民服務。Global immigrate自設Programming Team,能夠於創業移民計劃裡面,一站式全包為顧客度身訂做網站及Apps,令顧客更快達到當地簽證計劃的標準。 Know more

Job Info
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Job Duties 

  • Liaise with Google ads, Facebook ads, media, local KOL and influencers for both online and offline events and campaigns
  • Work closely with designers, copywriters and digital marketing team for various projects including banners, leaflets, video productions and other online promotions
  • Handle event management and planning and build up relationships with clients and customers
  • Monitor and report competitor activities and relevant industry trends, events and opportunities
  • Find new opportunities to collaborate with different parties



  • At least 2 years of working experience in marketing
  • Experience in online Ads
  • Able to manage and achieve the promotional project
  • Be creative and work independently


What kind of people we are seeking for

  • Strong people skills and love networking 
  • Treat challenges as an opportunities instead of problems
  • Have Sales/ Marketing/ Customer Services experience is a plus
  • Do not be a boring person



Unit 1103, Kai Tak Commercial Building, 159-161 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan.


For interested parties, please send your resume to or give us a call at 68884742.

Oscar Yip, Unit 1103, Kai Tak Commercial Building, Sheung WanHong Kong

Email :

Phone : 65880974/95479790

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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