Programmer / Analyst Programmer

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ETS-Testconsult Ltd

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ETS-Testconsult Limited, is a leading, totally independent materials testing and inspection company in Hong Kong and Asia. The company has a long-standing reputation for providing a wide range of ...Know more

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Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for Android & iOS development, testing and bug fixing
  • Maintain and develop in-house system
  • Support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release and support

Requirements :

  • Diploma / Degree in IT, Computer Science or related disciplines
  • At least 1-3 years working programming experience in web application development
  • Knowledge in .NET Framework (C# or VB.Net)
  • Knowledge in Java and Android SDK
  • SQL programming in MS SQL (must)
  • Good communication, presentation and problem solving skills

**Candidates with more experience will be considered as Analyst Programmer.

We offer competitive remuneration package and career prospects, which include incentive bonus scheme, medical plan, lifeinsurance, etc. 

Interested parties please send your application with full resume including your present and expected salary to our PersonnelDepartment by fax : 26953944 (Attn.: Ms. Ip) or email:  

For more information about us, please visit our website at  

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