急聘電子裝嵌及測試工程師兩名 (HKD 16 - 25K)

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ATA Aacurapid

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Since 2000, Aacurapid starts with providing Executive and IT Specialist recruitment service. With our continuous talent network growth over these years, we have our own ICT, Application Development...Know more

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五天工作, 荃灣上班職責:

· 執行專案機構組裝、功能測試、設備故障排除、查修等作業。

· 工程產品測試及驗證,並紀錄測試結果,彙整且提出測試報告。

· 設計測試程序及程控修改。

· 測試配件安裝、製作、修改及維護。


· 持有電機工程、電子工程或機械工程文憑或証書或接受相關學徒訓練及工作姐經驗均可 

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Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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