
Employer Info

Parsons Music Limited

Company User

柏斯作為現今中港最具規模及領銜地位的跨國音樂集團,我們讓您可建立個人的專業形象,並隨時間增加個人價值,能穩定、持續的發展,並獲得穩定而可觀的收入。 Know more

Job Info
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  • 銷售產品及課程;
  • 跟進學生學習情況;
  • 維持分店日常營運


  • 每月6天例休
  • 每天工作9小時 (0900-2200)
  • 輪班、輪休


  • 電郵:recruit@parsonsmusic.com
  • whatsapp:6202 3211 


Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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