IT Training Officer

Employer Info

BGC Group (HK) Limited

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BGC Group (HK) Limited  Human Resources Consulting / Recruitment Agency / Training  Bridging Growing Careers BGC Group is an international recruitment and manpower outsourcing firm that identifies ...Know more

Job Info
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Job Duties:

  • Conduct training programs and skills workshops for users of the clients, relating to the IT software & system 
  • Develop and organize training manuals, multimedia visual aids, and other relevant materials 
  • Follow up procedures for training 
  • Perform ad-hoc task as assigned 

Job Requirements:  

  • Higher Diploma holder or Bachelor degree holder  
  • Possess basic IT, software knowledge  
  • Experience in training & development   
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills  
  • Good command of spoken Chinese (Cantonese) and English 
  • Immediate available is highly preferred 
 有意請電郵至  *Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only  Job Types: Full-time, Permanent  
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