Security Officer

Employer Info

Eaton HK

Company User

Eaton Workshop是一家以推廣文化、具主題性、配合酒店業務、健康概念和社會變革為導向目標的公司。由香港土生土長的羅寶璘小姐創立,致力改革傳統酒店業務的定位。Eaton Workshop由以下部分組成 - 酒店、Eaton House共用工作間、Eaton Media數碼平台、健身中心及社會改革理念合成,以號召世界各地的創新變革之士和創意一族為目標。同時亦透過以上五個支柱,成為創意社...Know more

Job Info
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  • Ensure the safety and security of the hotel guests and employees
  • Patrol the hotel property and present a deterrent to crime and in-house rile violations
  • Assist hotel guests and visitors by giving directions and answering inquiries in a polite and friendly manner
  • Delivering quality service to the hotel guests


  • 確保酒店客人和員工的安全
  • 進行酒店巡邏以減少犯罪發生
  • 協助酒店客人和訪客,以禮貌和友好的方式指導和回答詢問
  • 為酒店客人提供優質服務


  • Form 5 or above
  • 1 - 2 year's relevant experience (Candidates with less experience or fresh graduates will also be considered)
  • Security industry / disciplined services or customer services experience is preferred
  • Good command of Cantonese, English and Mandarin
  • Possession of valid Security Personnel Permit
  • High integrity, honest, responsible, team player, good communication and interpersonal skills


  • F.5學歷或以上
  • 1-2年款待業相關經驗 (經驗較少的候選人或應屆畢業生也會被考慮)
  • 擁有保安行業/紀律嚴明的服務或客戶服務經驗者優先
  • 具備良好中英文讀寫能力
  • 持有有效的保安人員許可證
  • 正直、誠實、負責、有團隊精神、良好的溝通和人際交往能力 
Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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