Business Development Executive
Employer Info
Incredible Innovation Group Limited
Company User
締煌策劃集團Incredible Innovation Group是一家專業並且全面的廣告公司。公司集公關、設計、宣傳、營銷等於一身,憑著專業技術、豐富經驗、廣闊人脈和無比熱誠,已經為香港、澳門、中國、以致亞洲多個地區的客戶制訂及策劃了一個又一個的成功品牌,不論是一個logo、還是一個電視廣告、還是一整個營銷策略,我們都有信心為客戶做到最好,同理客心,提升客戶的品牌價值,從而提高品牌的更大利潤。 Know more
Job Info
Attracting new clients by innovating and overseeing the sales process for the business.
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.