
Employer Info

Maersk Contract Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited

Company User

LF Logistics is part of A.P. Moller – Maersk, an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the logistics partner of choice for major lo...Know more


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倉務文員 (葵涌)

工作職責:負責日常倉務運作/貨倉管理, 更新庫存記錄, 跟進訂單, 整理報告, 與倉庫同事協調溝通確保貨物準時運送

每週工作天數:5 - 6天 

工作時間:08:30 - 17:30



入職要求:無需工作經驗、懂閱讀及書寫英語、Microsoft Office、中文打字、基本電腦操作知識 

員工福利:雙糧、年假 12 天、銀行假期、超時工作津貼、醫療及牙科福利、員工購物優惠


如有意應徵,請將履歷表傳送到電郵 hkglflogrecruit@lifung.com 

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