Locum Pharmacist

Employer Info

Watson's The Chemist 屈臣氏零售(香港)有限公司

Company User

關於屈臣氏 屈臣氏是亞洲最大的線下及線上(O+O)保健及美容產品零售商,業務遍佈16個亞洲及歐洲市場,經營超過8,000家店舖,當中超過1,500家提供專業藥房服務。 屈臣氏在港澳擁有近200家分店,其中超過50家設有駐店藥房。店舖的專業團隊由註冊藥劑師、營養師、中醫師、健康顧問、美妝顧問、母嬰健康顧問及護士所組成,為顧客提供無微不至的服務。 屈臣氏一直領導著保健及美容產品零售業,為顧...Know more

Job Info
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***Work on weekends***

Job Duties:
- Oversee daily operations of Health Department in store from pharmacy to OTC including but not limited to medications prescribed counselling on both face-to-face and online platform and drug review services.
- Provide health education to clients on the selection and use of medications commonly available in drug stores and pharmacies
- Assist in Community promotional and outreach activities as needed
- Collaborate with Registered Dietitians, Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Health Advisors to provide all-rounded health services for our customers


- Degree holder in Pharmacy with Certificate of Registration and a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong
- Mature, caring, passionate, presentable, disciplined and a team player
- Proactive and customer-oriented
- Proficiency in English and Cantonese, ability to speak Putonghua will be an advantage

We offer attractive remuneration package and excellent development. Please send your application with expected salary via e-mail to wtcstorehr@aswatson.com, WhatsApp to 63169230 or contact at 36977613.

We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the A.S. Watson Group. All personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed within 12 months from the date of application. 

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