文件掃描員 (5個月合約) - 黄竹坑

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Iron Mountain Hong Kong Limited

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About Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Incorporated, founded in 1951, is the global leader for storage and information management services. Trusted by more than 225,000 organizations around the world in...Know more

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-簡單文書工作, 小量文件搬運, 男女都可

-負責操作掃描軟件掃描文件, 操作品質檢查軟件進行品質檢查及資料修改等

-在職培訓, 如超時工作, 每小時津貼$50, 5天工作 (星期一至五),上午9時至下午6時

求職者可電郵(recruit.hk@ironmountain.com)履歷表給鐵山香港有限公司或致電+852 9541 2655查詢。

We are an equal-opportunities company. All applicants are treated fairly and applicants’ information will be treated strictly confidential and used for recruitment purposes only. Applicants who are not invited for an interview within 4 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. 

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