技術員 (環境測驗部)

Employer Info

ETS-Testconsult Ltd

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ETS-Testconsult Limited, is a leading, totally independent materials testing and inspection company in Hong Kong and Asia. The company has a long-standing reputation for providing a wide range of ...Know more

Job Info
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  • Carry out daily environmental monitoring works including air quality, noise and water quality monitoring on site
  • Carry out chemical testing for in laboratory including water and construction material testing


  • Higher Certificate or above in Environmental Science, Life Science, Chemistry, Biology or related disciplines
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Candidate with more experience will be considered as Senior Environmental Technician
  • Having Driving Licence is an advantage 

 We offer competitive remuneration package and career prospects, which

incentive bonus scheme, medical
plan, life insurance, etc. 

 Interested parties please send your application with full resume including your present and expected salary to
our Personnel Department by fax : 26953944 (Attn.: Ms. Ip) or email: personnel@ets-testconsult.com 


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