沙田區 - 客戶服務主任 (日更/夜更/通宵更)
HKT Services LTD
Company User
About HKT Consumer Business Group A member of HKT, the market’s only quadruple-play experience provider, the Consumer Business Group offers an array of telecommunications and smart living products ...Know more
- 接聽客戶的電話查詢;
- 向客戶推廣及銷售各類型服務計劃及產品;
- 遵守及執行電話熱線中心有關的工作流程及守則
- 中學會考/中學文憑或以上程度
- 具備良好溝通及解決問題的技巧
- 能操流利廣東話及簡單英語
- 懂基本電腦操作者優先
- 彈性工作時間,輪班時段為 9:00 - 18:00 / 15:00 - 00:00/ 21:00 - 06:00 (一星期48工作小時,工作時間視乎實際人手編排而定)
- 持有保險中介人資格(卷一及卷二)者優先考慮
- 夜班工作津貼
- 每月表現指標獎金
- 14天有薪年假
- 完善在職培訓
- 良好晉升機會
-Whatsapp 6392 5242 預約面試
-電郵履歷表至career-cso@pccw.com (請註明所申請上班時間)
For more information on other job opportunities of PCCW, please visit our website: www.pccw.com. HKT is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates. Information provided will be treated in strict confidence and will only be used for recruitment-related purposes. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the employer's privacy statement (http://www.hkt.com/privacy-statement), a copy of which will be provided immediately upon request.
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.