CosMax 醫美顧問
Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited
Company User
Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited (HKEX. 1827) is a medical aesthetic service provider in Hong Kong and has been running with the strong enthusiasm of Mrs. Gigi Ma (CEO) since 2009. Through 3 br...Know more
歡迎WhatsApp 6115 2091申請/查詢。
•3 - 5年或以上相關美容銷售經驗,具醫學美容經驗者優先考慮
•每天工作8小時 - 輪班
•星期一至五: 10:00 至 19:00 或
•星期一至五: 11:00 至 20:00 或
•星期一至五: 12:00 至 21:00
•星期六、日及公眾假期: 10:00 至 19:00
•全年12天起有薪大假 (無須累計年資)
•另有17天公眾假期 (入職即享)
•每月6 天例假 (入職即享)
工作地點: 銅鑼灣 / 中環 / 尖沙咀
(申請人提供之資料,將絕對保密及只作招聘用途 )
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.