
Employer Info

MGI (Far East) Limited

Company User

MGI is a healthcare project expert in design & build of O.T. room and laboratory system. We are also a government approvedspecialist contractor and suppliers in the fields of Medical Gas Engine...Know more


Job Info


  • 負責項目協調和監控 
  • 提供項目設計、安裝和測試及調試的技術支援 
  • 協助項目經理招標/報價和項目相關文件 


  • 建築/屋宇裝備/電氣/機械/建造相關學科之高級文憑或以上學歷 
  • 有4-6年或以上建築項目經驗 
  • 精通MS Office和AutoCAD;
  • 良好的英語和中文能力;  
  • 勤奮,能夠在壓力下工作; 
  • 經驗較少者會被考慮為助理工程師 

有意應徵者可經以下任何途徑遞交個人履歷 (請註明姓名、聯絡電話及應徵職位):

  • 直接透過"申請"鍵遞交申請;
  • 電郵至 admin@mgi.com.hk;
  • 或致電人事部梁小姐, 聯絡電話:28074430  
Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

Click here to know more about employment traps

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