全職/兼職舞蹈導師 Full Time / Part Time Dance Instructors

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如果您熱愛舞蹈,喜歡傳授知識和技能, 穩定和富有負責任 ,我們正在尋找您!


  • 為學生教授正規舞蹈技巧
  • 設計和制定教學計劃和課程內容,根據學生的技能和興趣進行調整和改進
  • 指導學生進行練習和排練,並幫助學生提高技能和表演能力
  • 監督學生在課堂上的表現,並為他們A提供積極的反饋和建議
  • 參與舞蹈演出和比賽等活動


  • 對舞蹈充滿熱情和愛好,並有豐富的教學經驗和專業知識
  • 具有優秀的溝通和人際交往能力,能夠與學生和家長建立良好的關係
  • 能夠靈活運用不同的教學方法和策略
  • 具有團隊合作精神,能夠與其他導師和工作人員協調工作,促進進步
  • 具有良好的時間管理, 教學上需要的策劃及組織能力
  • 具有良好的英語/ 普通話/廣東話溝通能力



Full-time/Part-time Dance Instructors (Ballet/Jazz/Kpop/Street Dance)

If you have a passion for dance, enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge, and are stable and responsible, we are looking for you!

Job Responsibilities:

  • Teach students proper dance techniques
  • Design and develop teaching plans and course content
  • Make adjustments according to students' skills and interests
  • Guide students in practice and rehearsals, help them improve their skills and performance abilities
  • Supervise students' performance in class and provide positive feedback and suggestions
  • Participate in dance performances and competitions

Job Requirements:

  • Passionate and knowledgeable about dance, with rich teaching experience and professional knowledge
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, able to establish good relationships with students and parents
  • Able to adjust different teaching methods and strategies
  • Team-oriented, able to coordinate work with other instructors and staff to promote progress
  • Good time management skills, planning and organizational skills required for teaching
  • Excellent English/Mandarin/Cantonese communication skills

If you meet the above requirements and are interested in joining our team, please send your resume and cover letter to our email (hr.lesdanseurs@gmail.com). We look forward to your joining us!

Location: Hong Kong Island.                    

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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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