Graphic / Motion Graphic / Multimedia Designer

Employer Info


Company User

Join us at Knockout Creative, the uprising digital marketing agency in HK, we favor diversity, creativity, drive and team spirit. From concept stage to final production, we are here to provide one-...Know more

Job Info

工作類型: 全職 (WFH /freelance暫時唔考慮)
公司業務種類:Agency (Knockout Creative Limited)
薪金: $12000-22000/month depends on experience
要求年資: 1年工作經驗 ,Fresh grad welcome肯學就得~

- 有手有腳,識平面設計、剪片同執相
- 幫手設計social media graphic、影Product shots同拍片
- 有眼耳口鼻,按客戶要求完成相關平面設計,準時交到貨
- 帶腦返工,幫手度橋。多多橋都受,橋唔怕舊,個客笑就夠

有興趣就send cv同portfolio, 記得記得記得連埋你想要嘅人工同去:
whatsapp : 59957017
*冇expected salary唔覆呀!

工作類型: 兼職, 長工, 短期, 合約, 實習

全職工作時間: 10:30-19:30 (星期一到星期五)
兼職工作時間: 彈性時間 / 日班 / 早班
設計: 1 年 (優先考慮)
Illustrator: 1 年 (優先考慮)
PhotoShop: 1 年 (優先考慮)
InDesign: 1 年 (優先考慮)

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

Click here to know more about employment traps

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