地盤工程主管Site Engineer, 三跑工程, 兩年制合約, 約滿酬金, 交通津貼, 有薪年假, $40-42K
Employer Info
Headsearch21 Consultancy Limited
Company User
Headsearch21 is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specializing in the recruitment of permanent and temporary positions, executive search and outsourcing services to our prestigious cl...Know more
Job Info
我們的客戶是一家有規模的工程公司,為配合工程需要, 現正招聘人才加入他們的工程團隊。
- 負責地盤監管工作,處理日常地盤管理事宜
- 監督工程施工程序規劃,確保進度及質量
- 處理地盤文件及報告等, 跟進裝修工程進度
- 工程相關文憑或以上程度
- 五年或以上電工或機械工程相關地盤工作經驗
- 良好溝通能力及具備責任心
- 能書寫簡單英文
- 持有效建造業工人註冊証及平安咭
- 持有效電業工程人員牌照A0
- 工作地點︰赤鱲角
如有興趣, 請把履歷表電郵至 josephineleung@headsearch21.com.
或致電3188 3741 致電梁小姐查詢。
Company Web-Site: www.headsearch21.com
Our Employment Agency License Number: 75422
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.