兼職打字員/資料輸入員 Part-time Data-entry
Employer Info
MPEG (HK) Limited
Company User
We are a marketing company specialized in marketing research, promotion, event management in Hong Kong. We are now looking for a high caliber candidate for the following position. Know more
Job Info
- 聆聽錄音,並把錄音內容輸入問卷
- 檢測問卷,並按指示修正有關問卷內容
- 確保填妥的資料符合錄音內容
- 有良好中文書寫能力及理解能力
- 細心及具責任心
- 懂得電腦中文打字 (約30w.p.m.)
工作地點: 荔枝角
工作日期: (可申請一個或以上的時段、每星期工作日子可自行選擇)
(1) 星期一至星期五 - 上午10時正至下午2時
(2) 星期一至星期五 - 下午2時正至下午6時30分
薪金: $50-55/小時
如有意申請有關職位,請將履歷表電郵至 hr@mpeghk.com, 並註明申請職位
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.